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Stretch marks, sagging skin, and flab or cellulite that won’t seem to go away, pregnancy and motherhood often change a woman’s body in undesirable ways. Many mothers who are troubled by the drastic transformation their bodies underwent through the pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods opt for plastic surgery procedures that aim to restore their pre-pregnancy appearance–and renew their sense of self-confidence in the process.

cosmetic procedures for moms

Mothers are great candidates for many cosmetic surgery procedures that target the physical changes brought about by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Read on for some of the most popular cosmetic procedures available to moms.

1. Breast Augmentation

Moms whose breasts have changed in size, shape, or symmetry following childbirth and breastfeeding often choose breast augmentation, or a “boob job,” to achieve fuller, more evenly shaped breasts. This procedure uses implants, typically made with saline or silicone, or fat transfer to add shape and form to the chest and even alter the size or shape entirely. 

2. Breast Lift

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause breasts to swell and shrink repeatedly, stretching the skin beyond its limits and causing sagging, diminished breasts. A breast lift tightens the skin and reshapes the area by removing extra skin and lifting the tissue for a more firm, round appearance. Breast lifts, unlike full breast augmentation, do not significantly change the size of your breasts. 

3. Tummy Tuck

This procedure removes loose skin and fat from the stomach and is also known as an abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck procedure results in a flatter, smoother midsection. It can be an excellent option for those who need restoration for the ab muscles that may have become separated or weakened due to pregnancy. 

4. Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery option for areas of stubborn fat or those that appear out of proportion or irregular after having a baby. Liposuction, often shortened to “lipo,” can contour the body by removing fat from specific areas, such as the stomach, arms, hips, chest, hips, thighs, and buttocks. 

5. Lower Body Lift

Pregnancy and childbirth can stretch the skin, muscles, and tissues of the thighs and buttocks, so a lower body lift procedure is popular among moms who want to tighten and firm the area. This process is also called a belt lipectomy and reshapes the lower abdomen, buttocks, and thighs by removing loose skin, extra fat, and excess tissue for a smoother, tighter appearance. 

Cosmetic surgery can help moms feel more comfortable in their new, post-baby body or even get their pre-pregnancy body back. If you’re not sure which procedure is right for you, make an appointment to learn more and talk about how these mom-friendly cosmetic procedures can be tailored to suit your needs and ideals. 

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