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Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping and enhancing the appearance of your nose. Whether for cosmetic reasons or to address functional issues, our board-certified plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads offer personalized rhinoplasty in Newport News & Williamsburg to improve your overall facial harmony.

Elevate Your Nasal Shape,
Size, and Symmetry

Rhinoplasty is a specialized surgical procedure that enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your nose. This versatile surgery can address various concerns, from altering the nose’s size, shape, and symmetry to improving its overall balance with the rest of your facial features. But rhinoplasty is not just about cosmetic improvements; it can also correct structural issues that affect breathing and overall nasal function.

At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads, our skilled surgeons use advanced techniques to achieve your desired results while maintaining a natural and harmonious appearance. During a rhinoplasty, your surgeon can modify the nasal bones, cartilage, and soft tissues to create a nose that aligns with your facial proportions. Whether you’re seeking refinement, correction, or reconstruction, rhinoplasty helps you look and feel your best.

Surgeon examining patient's face for a rhinoplasty procedure in Newport News or Williamsburg

Rhinoplasty Treats:

  • Cosmetic concerns about nose shape and size
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Dorsal hump reduction
  • Narrowing or widening the nostrils
  • Deviated septum causing breathing difficulties
  • Nasal trauma or injuries affecting the nasal appearance
  • Birth defects and congenital nasal issues
  • Asymmetry and disproportionate features

Rhinoplasty Techniques Include…

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, or endonasal rhinoplasty, is a surgical technique where incisions are made inside the nose. This allows for minimal external scarring, as all the modifications are performed through the nostrils. Closed rhinoplasty is often chosen for patients seeking subtle changes or specific adjustments to their nasal appearance. It can result in quicker recovery times and less noticeable post-operative scarring than open rhinoplasty.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves an incision made across the columella, the small strip of tissue between the nostrils. This allows the surgeon to lift the skin and soft tissues, providing better visibility and access to the underlying nasal structures. Open rhinoplasty is often preferred for more complex cases or when extensive changes are required. While it may leave a small external scar, open rhinoplasty in Newport News and Williamsburg can produce dramatic cosmetic and functional improvements.

Teenage Rhinoplasty

Teenage rhinoplasty is a decision that requires careful consideration by parents, their teenagers, and the surgeon. While it’s not uncommon for teenagers to express concerns about their appearance, especially when it comes to their noses, you must ensure that your child is emotionally prepared for the procedure. Their motivations should be driven by a genuine desire for self-improvement rather than external pressures or societal expectations.

Teenage rhinoplasty must be performed on individuals whose physical growth is complete. The minimum age for teenage rhinoplasty is around 16 for girls and 17 or older for boys. Our plastic surgeons will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if your child is physically prepared for the procedure. We will discuss your teenager’s motivations, expectations, and the potential risks and benefits of the procedure and only proceed if both you and your teenagers are ready.

patient consultation for a rhinoplasty procedure in Newport News & Williamsburg, VA

Advantages of Rhinoplasty:

  • Improved nasal aesthetics
  • Enhanced facial harmony
  • Corrects nasal asymmetry
  • Reshapes the nose to the desired proportions
  • Corrects structural issues for better breathing
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Addresses congenital deformities
  • Repairs nasal trauma or injury
  • Personalized results tailored to your goals

Patient Testimonials

I chose the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads to do my Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty. I had a deviated septum and a big dorsal hump on my nose that had bothered me since I could remember. My Dr. was Dr. Vonu. I can not express how thankful and happy I am with not only the results, but the entire experience, from consultation to follow up. Dr. Vonu transformed my life by giving me the perfect nose for my face, as well as a transformative, newfound confidence and thirst for life. If you are looking at this review and trying to decide if plastic surgery is the right choice, I urge you to give yourself a gift that will keep on giving for the rest of your life. This decision was not about vanity for me, it was about being truly comfortable in my own skin, which I can now tell you is an amazing feeling. The entire staff is professional, caring, and discreet, and the facility is top notch, beautiful and clean.

woman walking after rhinoplasty in Newport News & Williamsburg, VA

Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose or experience breathing difficulties due to nasal issues, you may be a candidate for rhinoplasty in Newport News & Williamsburg. Ideal candidates should be healthy and have realistic expectations about the outcomes. However, the only way to determine your candidacy is through a comprehensive consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons. Our team will evaluate your concerns and curate a personalized surgical plan.

The Ideal Candidates for Rhinoplasty Include:

  • Individuals unhappy with the appearance of their nose
  • Those seeking to correct nasal asymmetry
  • People with breathing difficulties due to nasal issues
  • Individuals with realistic expectations about the procedure
  • Healthy individuals without underlying conditions that impair healing
  • Individuals with structural or congenital nasal deformities
  • Those seeking correction after nasal trauma or injury

Before & After

*Each patient is unique, and individual results may vary.

See More Before & Afters

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hampton Roads

Your rhinoplasty surgery is typically performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on your individual needs and the extent of the surgery. The surgery begins with your surgeon making carefully planned incisions inside your nostrils for closed rhinoplasty or across the columella for open rhinoplasty. In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are hidden within the nasal passages, while open rhinoplasty offers better visibility and access to the nasal structures.

Once the incisions are made, your surgeon can sculpt the nose by reshaping the bone and cartilage. This may involve removing excess tissue, reducing a dorsal hump, or adjusting the nasal tip. If you have functional issues, such as a deviated septum, those can also be corrected during the procedure to improve your breathing. After the adjustments, the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures. Your surgeon may place a splint on the outside of your nose to provide support during the initial healing phase.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Guidelines:

  • Ensure you get ample rest in the days following surgery to aid in healing.
  • Keep your head elevated when resting or sleeping to reduce swelling.
  • Use cold compresses to minimize swelling and bruising.
  • Follow your surgeon’s prescribed medications for pain and swelling management.
  • Maintain good hygiene around incisions to prevent infection.
  • Refrain from strenuous activities that could impact your nose for several weeks.
  • If recommended, use saline nasal sprays to keep the nasal passages moist.
  • Be cautious when wearing glasses or sunglasses, and avoid any pressure on the nose.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to aid in the healing process.
  • Keep scheduled post-operative appointments with your surgeon for monitoring.

Request Your
Appointment Today

Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads is led by board-certified plastic surgeons dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. We treat our patients like family to ensure that the outcome of your rhinoplasty in Newport News & Williamsburg is the most natural-looking and satisfying. If you’re ready to take the next step towards enhancing your nose and overall facial harmony, don’t hesitate to request an appointment with our team today.

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