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Eyelid Surgery
Newport News & Williamsburg

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As we grow older, our eyelids can undergo changes that impact our appearance and sometimes even our vision. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads, we understand the importance of maintaining youthful and refreshed eyes with eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty in Newport News and Williamsburg can help you regain a more youthful and vibrant look while, in some cases, improving your vision!

Improve Your
Eyelids & Vision

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, rejuvenates the appearance of the eyelids. Over time, the skin on the upper and lower eyelids can lose elasticity, leading to sagging, excess folds, and even impaired vision in severe cases. These age-related changes can also cause a tired, aged, or puffy appearance, affecting your overall facial aesthetics.

During eyelid surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons carefully remove excess skin, fat, and sometimes muscle to achieve a more youthful, refreshed look. Upper eyelid surgery primarily addresses drooping upper eyelids, while lower eyelid surgery targets under-eye bags and puffiness. By skillfully restoring the balance and contour of your eyelids, this procedure can help you achieve a brighter, more alert appearance and may even improve your vision if it was previously obstructed by sagging skin.

doctor examining patient for blepharoplasty procedure in Newport News and Williamsburg

Eyelid Surgery Treats:

  • Excess skin on the upper eyelids
  • Drooping upper eyelids
  • Under-eye bags and puffiness on the lower eyelids
  • Impaired vision due to sagging eyelid skin
  • Tired or aged appearance of the eyes

The Types of Eyelid Surgery Include…

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty focuses on rejuvenating the upper eyelids. Over time, the upper eyelids can develop excess skin, causing a heavy or hooded appearance. Our surgeons remove this surplus skin, which restores a more youthful look and can improve peripheral vision.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty in Newport News and Williamsburg addresses issues in the lower eyelids. Over time, the lower eyelids can develop puffiness, under-eye bags, or wrinkles that can detract from your appearance. This procedure involves the removal of excess fat and skin to achieve a youthful under-eye area.

Patient Testimonials

I had a breast reduction and an eyelid lift. Both experiences went great. I’m scheduled for a facelift in February. I have full confidence in my surgeon Dr Lofgren. The whole team is so helpful with questions and they make you feel very comfortable.


Advantages of Eyelid Surgery:

  • Restores a youthful and refreshed appearance to the eyes
  • Addresses sagging skin, puffiness, and wrinkles in the eyelids
  • May improve peripheral vision obstructed by drooping upper eyelids
  • Enhances overall facial aesthetics and symmetry
  • Long-lasting results that can make you look more alert and energized
patient consultation for blepharoplasty procedure in Newport News and Williamsburg

Am I a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery may be suitable for those who experience sagging skin, puffiness, or vision impairment due to aging eyelids. The right candidates are generally healthy and have realistic expectations for the procedure’s outcomes. However, the only way to be certain of your candidacy is through a consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads. We assess your concerns and medical history to determine if eyelid surgery is the right choice.

patient consultation for blepharoplasty procedure in Newport News and Williamsburg

The Ideal Candidates for Eyelid Surgery Include:

  • Individuals with sagging or drooping upper eyelids.
  • Those with under-eye bags, puffiness, or wrinkles in the lower eyelids.
  • Those with impaired peripheral vision due to excess upper eyelid skin.
  • Non-smokers or those willing to quit smoking for a few weeks before and after surgery.
  • Individuals in good overall health without medical conditions that impair healing.
  • Individuals with realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcomes.
  • Those seeking to enhance their facial aesthetics and regain a more youthful appearance.
  • Patients who are willing to follow post-operative care instructions for optimal results.
Eyelid Surgery

Before & After

*Each patient is unique, and individual results may vary.

See More Before & Afters

Eyelid Surgery in Hampton Roads

The procedure begins with the administration of local anesthesia to numb the eyelid area. For upper eyelid surgery, your surgeon will make incisions along the natural creases of your upper eyelids, which helps to conceal any scarring. Through these incisions, they carefully remove or reposition excess skin and may address any underlying muscle or fat issues. This results in a smoother, more youthful upper eyelid contour. The incisions are then closed with fine sutures.

If your concerns involve puffiness, under-eye bags, or wrinkles in the lower eyelids, lower blepharoplasty will be performed. Your surgeon will make incisions inside the lower eyelid (transconjunctival approach) or just below the lash line (subciliary approach). Through these incisions, excess fat and skin are removed or repositioned to create a smoother, rejuvenated lower eyelid area. The incisions are closed, and any visible scarring is typically minimal. Schedule a consultation for blepharoplasty in Newport News and Williamsburg today!

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Guidelines:

  • Allow your body to recover and heal properly by getting plenty of rest.
  • Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising in the first 48 hours after surgery.
  • Sleep with your head elevated to further reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding pain medications and antibiotics.
  • Refrain from strenuous exercises or activities that could increase blood pressure.
  • Wear sunglasses and avoid direct sun exposure to protect your sensitive eyes from UV rays.
  • Abstain from smoking and alcohol as they can slow down the healing process.
  • Attend all scheduled post-operative appointments to monitor your progress.
  • Once cleared by your surgeon, apply sunscreen around your eyes to protect the incisions.

Request Your
Appointment Today

Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads is the trusted destination for eyelid surgery. Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. We treat our patients like family, curating personalized surgical plans that ensure safe, natural-looking outcomes. If you’re ready to rejuvenate your eyes and enhance your appearance, request your personalized appointment for blepharoplasty in Newport News and Williamsburg.

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