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Neck Lift
Newport News & Williamsburg

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As you age, the effects of time become increasingly evident, and one area that often reveals your age is the neck. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads, we understand the concerns you may have about sagging skin, wrinkles, and excess fat in this area. Our surgeons can offer a neck lift in Newport News and Williamsburg to help you reclaim a youthful, slender, elegant neck profile.

Restore Your Elegant
Neck Profile

A neck lift addresses the visible signs of aging in the neck area. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkles in the neck. Additionally, the accumulation of excess fat under the chin can create the appearance of a double chin or “turkey neck.” These concerns can impact your self-confidence and how you perceive yourself.

A neck lift, performed by our experienced team at the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads, involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the neck, as well as the tightening of neck muscles. This procedure is tailored to your needs, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and more youthful neck contour. Whether you wish to eliminate sagging skin, refine your jawline, or reduce the appearance of neckbands, a neck lift can help you achieve a more elegant neck profile, allowing you to feel confident and beautiful at any age.

woman meeting a doctor about a neck lift in Newport News & Williamsburg, VA

Neck Lift Treats:

  • Sagging neck skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines on the neck
  • Excess fat under the chin
  • Double chin appearance
  • Neck muscle laxity

Combine Neck Lift & Neck Liposuction

For those seeking comprehensive rejuvenation, combining a neck lift with neck liposuction can provide optimal results. A neck lift focuses on tightening loose skin and muscles in the neck region, while neck liposuction targets excess fat deposits. By combining these procedures, we help you achieve a more youthful neck contour. This approach eliminates sagging skin, reduces the appearance of neck bands, smoothens wrinkles, and contours the jawline, all in one go.

Advantages of Neck Lift:

  • Tightens sagging neck skin
  • Smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines in the neck
  • Reduces the appearance of neckbands
  • Refines the jawline and eliminates a double chin
  • Restores a more youthful and refreshed neck contour
  • Boosts self-confidence and enhances overall appearance

Patient Testimonials

Professional and friendly, the office staff are extremely interested in you and your visit. Dr. Vonu performed face, under eye, upper eye and neck procedures. Dr, Vonu is a very generous surgeon and, as a courtesy, repaired a "dog ear" from a mommy makeover another surgeon had performed while I was having my facelift done. He also fixed a small wrinkled area between my eyebrows during the procedure. Who does that?
Dr, Vonu, PSCHR, 895 City Center Blvd STE 300, Newport News, VA 23606


Am I a Candidate for Neck Lift?

If you’re bothered by sagging neck skin, wrinkles, excess fat under the chin, or a double chin, you may be a candidate for a neck lift in Newport News and Williamsburg. Ideal candidates are generally in good health and have realistic expectations. However, the best way to determine if this procedure suits you is to schedule a consultation with our experienced surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads. We will evaluate your concerns and medical history to determine your candidacy and create a personalized treatment plan.

patient speaking to expert about a neck lift in Newport News & Williamsburg, VA

The Ideal Candidates for Neck Lift Include:

  • Individuals with sagging neck skin
  • Those experiencing wrinkles and fine lines in the neck area
  • Individuals with neck muscle laxity or prominent neckbands
  • Those bothered by the appearance of a double chin due to excess fat
  • Healthy individuals with realistic expectations
  • Those seeking a more youthful and refined neck contour
  • Candidates willing to follow post-operative care instructions for optimal results
Neck Lift

Before & After

*Each patient is unique, and individual results may vary.

See More Before & Afters

Neck Lift Surgery in Hampton Roads

Your surgeon will start by administering anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Depending on your unique needs and the extent of the correction required, you may undergo general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Next, your surgeon will make carefully placed incisions. Typically, incisions are made behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. These incisions are discreetly positioned to minimize visible scarring.

Once the incisions are made, your surgeon will access the underlying muscles and tissues of the neck. They will tighten and reposition the neck muscles if necessary, addressing any muscle laxity or neck bands. Additionally, excess fat deposits may be removed through liposuction or directly excised, depending on your specific needs. Next, excess skin is trimmed and tightened, and the remaining skin is re-draped to create a natural appearance.

Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures; in some cases, a compression bandage or garment may be applied to reduce swelling. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. While recovery times vary, most patients can expect to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

Neck Lift Recovery Guidelines:

  • Ensure adequate rest to facilitate the healing process.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting during the initial recovery period.
  • Maintain proper wound hygiene to prevent infection.
  • Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Wear your compression garment as instructed.
  • Protect incisions from direct sunlight to prevent scarring.
  • Drink plenty of water to aid healing and skin recovery.
  • Be cautious with excessive neck movements to avoid straining sutures.
  • Keep all scheduled appointments with your surgeon for monitoring.

Request Your
Appointment Today

Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads is led by board-certified plastic surgeons dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals. We treat our patients like family and conduct thorough evaluations to curate personalized surgical plans. If you’re considering a neck lift in Newport News and Williamsburg to rejuvenate your appearance, we invite you to request an appointment with our team. We help you reclaim the smooth, elegant neck contours of your youth.

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